Saturday 25 March 2017

This week in The Enchanted Forest……

·         In English this week we started learning about riddles. We thought of different clues to describe African animals and then wrote some great riddles of our own!

·         The Reception children have been recapping their number formation, recognition and calculation skills. The y1s have been solving problems by halving and doubling numbers and quantities. 

·         We have worked very hard to create Mother’s Day cards and pictures to take home with us. We have also learned about how animals have adapted to their environment.


Friday 17 March 2017

'   This week in The Enchanted Forest……

·         In English this week we sequenced the events in Handa’s Surprise by making a story map. We then wrote the story in our own words.

·         The Reception children have been learning about 2d shape, describing their properties and making different patterns. The Y1s have been finding half of objects, shapes and quantities, 

·         We learned about carnivores, herbivores and omnivores and what the different terms meant. We also made some great African jewellery and learned some facts about Kenya.


Sunday 5 March 2017

Yorkshire Wildlife Park! 

   This week in The Enchanted Forest……

·          In English this week we have been busy writing some great recounts of our school trip! We included lots of detail and are really working hard to form our letters correctly.

·          The Reception children have been adding two numbers together to find the total amount. The Y1s have been busy solving problems by counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. 

·          We have made some excellent African sunset pictures which look great in our classroom! We have also started learning lots of facts about Africa. On Friday we celebrated World Book Day and had great fun taking part in different book-related activities!