Saturday 25 February 2017

·         In English this week the Reception children have been busy writing some fantastic labels and captions. The Y1s have been learning about the features of recounts and how to write about things in the past. 

·         The Reception children have been finding one more and one less than numbers to 20. The Y1s have been busy measuring in cm and solving measuring problems.

·         We have started to learn about different types of animals and how they are different from each other. We also talked about how to find the UK and Africa on a map as well as learning about Shrove Tuesday and why we eat pancakes!


Monday 13 February 2017

   This week in The Enchanted Forest……
  • In English this week we made our own treasure maps and then ordered some photos to show what we did. We then wrote some instructions to tell other people how to make a map. 
  • The Reception children have been comparing the capacity of different objects. The Y1s have been busy solving addition and subtraction problems. 
  • We have been keeping track of how the weather has changed during the week as well as learning about Christenings and why they take place. We also wrote a great list of things that we would take with us on a journey to the South Pole!
Wishing everyone a lovely half-term!