Sunday 29 January 2017

   This week in The Enchanted Forest……

·         In English this week we started to look at information books about the Antarctic. We looked at the different features and wrote some questions about penguins that we thought the information books could help us with.   

·         The Reception children have been comparing the height and length of different objects. The Y1s have been reading and writing numbers to 40 in numerals and words.

·         We learned some more facts about the Antarctic to help us with our topic this term. We also talked about the different seasons and what events take place throughout the year. 


Sunday 22 January 2017

This week in The Enchanted Forest……

·         In English this week we continued with the story ‘Lost and Found.’ We sequenced the main events in the story and wrote sentences to describe parts of the story.

·         The Reception children have been busy estimating and counting different groups of objects. The Y1s have been measuring and comparing the lengths of different activities in seconds, as well as learning about the months of the year.  

·         We have started to make our junk model vehicles and they already look great! We have also enjoyed using the torches to help us learn about shadows and how they change.


Sunday 15 January 2017

This week in The Enchanted Forest……

·         In English this week we read the story ‘Lost and Found.’ We described the characters in the story and thought about what they would be thinking and feeling. We also wrote some great adjectives to describe the setting. 

·         The Reception children have been counting groups of objects and finding the correct numeral to match the total. The Y1s have been measuring how long different activities last. 

·         We have been using Google on the ipads to find out different information. We have also thought about why the sun seems to move in the sky at different parts of the day.


Friday 6 January 2017

This week in The Enchanted Forest……

·         This week has been very exciting and we have enjoyed hearing about all of our different Christmas adventures! We drew and labelled our favourite presents and the Y1s wrote a thank you letter to Santa.

·         The Reception children have been recognising different numbers and playing games to help them identify them. The Y1s have been reading time to the hour and half-past the hour.

·         We have started to learn about the sun this week and we found out lots of different facts about it! We also had a go at mixing different colour paints to make new colours.