Friday 16 December 2016

This week in The Enchanted Forest……

·         This week has been very busy and exciting! We have finished our Christmas calendars and made a Christmas decoration. We also made and wrote our own Christmas cards. We have also learned about why we celebrate Christmas as well as performing our Christmas plays three times! Thank you to everyone who came and watched us this week.

·         On Monday we will be celebrating Christmas with our Christmas parties and on Tuesday we will be going to the church for the Christingle service.


Saturday 10 December 2016

Our fantastic puppets! 

   This week in The Enchanted Forest……

·         In English this week we wrote our Christmas letters and lists to Santa, letting him know what we would like!

·         In Maths this week the Reception children have been recapping their work on number recognition and formation. The Y1s have been solving number word problems.

·         In Science we carried out our investigation to find out which object travelled the furthest distance down the slope – it was the marble! We have also finished our fantastic puppets and started to make our Christmas calendars!


Friday 2 December 2016

This week in The Enchanted Forest……

·         In English this week we sequenced the events in our school trip. The Reception children wrote about their favourite part whilst the Y1s wrote a recount of what we did.

·         In Maths this week the Reception children have been adding and subtracting groups of objects. The Y1s have been finding different ways to make ten.

·         In Science we planned an investigation and predicted which toys would travel the furthest down a slope. We also began practising some of our Christmas play songs and started to sew our puppets!



Saturday 26 November 2016

Woodhall Spa Cottage Museum

We had a brilliant day at Woodhall Spa Cottage Museum! We enjoyed looking around the museum, playing with all of the old toys and making crafts! We also had a fantastic time at Jubilee Park. We all had a lovely day!