Saturday 26 November 2016

Woodhall Spa Cottage Museum

We had a brilliant day at Woodhall Spa Cottage Museum! We enjoyed looking around the museum, playing with all of the old toys and making crafts! We also had a fantastic time at Jubilee Park. We all had a lovely day!

Friday 18 November 2016

This week in The Enchanted Forest……

·          In English this week we thought about the characters in the story ‘This is the Bear.’ The Reception children wrote simple words and sentences to describe their feelings and the y1s planned and wrote their own stories. 

·          In Maths this week the Reception children have been counting groups of objects to work out which has more or fewer. The Y1s have been writing numbers in words and numerals.

·          In Science we explored different toys to see how they moved. We also painted some pictures of our favourite toys and had a great time dressing up in our pjs for Children in Need!


Friday 11 November 2016

This week in The Enchanted Forest......

   This week in The Enchanted Forest……

·          In English this week we read the story ‘This is the Bear’ and identified the rhyming words in the story. Some of us labelled some images from the story whilst some planned and retold the story in their own words. 

·          In Maths this week the Reception children have been using 1p coins to buy different objects. The Y1s have been matching numbers to twenty in numerals and words.

·          In Science we started to learn about how different objects move. We’ve also been working on different balances in PE and got to see how a sword was made using a real forge!


Sunday 6 November 2016

This week in The Enchanted Forest.....

   This week in The Enchanted Forest……

·          In English this week we have been reading the ‘Owl Babies’ story. We talked about how the characters were feeling and sequenced the different events. The Reception children labelled the different characters and the Y1s retold the story in their own words.

·          In Maths this week the Reception children have been making patterns and pictures using 2D shapes. The Y1s have been describing the position and direction of objects and ourselves. 

·          The whole school has been learning about owls this week! We learned lots of facts about owls and had a go at creating some owl-themed artwork. We were also visited by some owls on Friday morning